Welcome to Professional Bodyguards Ireland where we are here to assist all our customers with their protection based requirements.
We offer Services and Training to ensure that if you require Specialist Protection Services or Risk Management Services or if you wish to enter the Specialist World of Protection, we are here to assist with you particular queries.
At Professional Bodyguards Ireland we bring you a range of Internationally Accredited Training Programmes that are being offered by our Highly Experienced Instructors with many years experience working in various environments from Hostile Environment, Maritime Anti-Piracy Operations, or Specialist Aviation Security of Airports and Critical Infrastructure
The Services Division of Professional Bodyguards Ireland are currently operating all over Europe, Africa, Middle East and China. We currently operate both Land and Sea Based Operations with our Operatives coming from a variety of backgrounds, such as Police, Military and Civilian Specialties. We also currently offer specialist consultative services to Large Multi-National Corporations, Education Institutions and Government Agencies due to our extensive knowledge and expertise in the areas of International Protection & Education and Training.